Postpartum & Newborn Care

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The postpartum period, sometimes called the 4th trimester, is a time of great physical and emotional change as your baby adjusts to being outside the womb, and you adjust to your new life as a parent. We are still here for you and continue to care for you for six weeks after your baby is born. 

We want you to feel guided and cared for during this time. A member of our team will conduct the following in-home postpartum visits: 24 hours after the birth, 3-4 days, 7 days, and a phone call at 2 weeks. You and the baby will return to our office for the 6 week postpartum visit. Additional visits are scheduled as needed.

At these visits, we will assess your well-being, including physical healing, emotional status, and support system. Physical assessment includes vital signs, bleeding, uterine involution, diet, activity level and breastfeeding. We will also assess the baby’s well-being by checking vitals, diapers, and weight. The 24-hour postpartum visit also includes the newborn screen, hearing screen, and non-invasive cardiac screening. All of these screening tests are the standard of care for newborns. Footprints may be done at the 1 day or 3 day visit. At your 6 week postpartum visit, we will discuss your family planning options and provide a pap smear if desired.

 For challenges with breastfeeding, we suggest you consult a trusted Lactation Professional such as an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC).