With the public health concerns surrounding COVID-19, the health and safety of clients and their families are our top priority. 

We remain open and are accepting low-risk clients who desire an out-of-hospital birth experience during this unprecedented time. Our goal is to continue to offer the safe, holistic, prenatal, homebirth, and postpartum care you deserve.

Taking guidance from the CDC, WHO, and other trusted sources for healthcare best practices, we have implemented protocols that require stringent disinfecting, personal protective equipment, social distancing, and tele-health visits when appropriate.

Changes to Our Services in Response to COVID-19

Prenatal Visits

We are striving to provide comprehensive midwifery care while keeping clients and our staff as safe as possible. We have done so by implementing changes to office visits as well as how we care for families in their homes. 

  • Our consultation appointments, affectionately called the “meet and greet” are now being held virtually. 

  • Once you have decided to welcome us as your providers, all essential visits where we establish client care, draw prenatal labs, and assess fetal heart tones are held within our office at 1412 Hudson Avenue, Durham, NC 27705. The virtual platform RingCentral is used for tele-health visits.

  • We will take your temperature and ask screening questions about your health at the door before you come in. If you are symptomatic or have been around someone who is, we will reschedule your appointment to a later date. We provide prenatal kits to all clients to allow self monitoring of your pregnancy from the safety of your home and report results to us during the tele-health visits for all non-essential prenatal appointments.

Cleaning & Disinfecting

Hand washing, disinfecting high touch surfaces and airspace, spacing appointments, and limiting office visitors to the client only are just a few examples of our efforts to keep everyone safe during this pandemic. Face coverings are required for all staff and clients.

Attendance at the Birth

Your partner and other support persons (i.e. birth doula and photographer) will be welcomed at your birth while we are in attendance.

Children are allowed in the birth space. You must have an adult to supervise them. Consider hiring a sibling doula if no other family or friends are available.

Water Births

Water births are only allowed if the client provides her own pool, air source, liner, hose, gloves, faucet adaptor, and cleaning supplies. The client will also be responsible for set up, filling, draining, cleaning, and taking down the pool unless the birth kit and services are purchased through Sankofa. A limited number of pools are available for sale at the office. The fee for service is currently $350 and is nonrefundable.

Transfer Policy

Our attendance with you during a transfer will be dependent on local hospital policies at that time. We will fax your records and be available via telephone to answer any questions regarding your care.

Contacting Us

If you need to reach us, please do so by email or via the Contact Us button below as we are receiving much higher call volumes.

We are in this together and we are doing our absolute best to continue providing our clients with the care they deserve and have come to expect from the #sankofabirthsquad.